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Tennis funnel

At Bardou Tennis Competition we thge development of our players is the most important and that is why we want to share the six phases of training of a tennis playe: pre-tennis, initiation, intermediate, pre-competition, competition and professional. It is very important that all of the parents with children identify this six phases and understand them.

The first and second phase are the most critical ones , because it is important to familiarize the student with the basic tennis concepts and keep them motivated to keep practicing tennis. This stages would go from 4 to 9 years.

The third and fourth phase will be between 9 and 14 years. This is the stage of frustration as the improvement goes step by step due to physical development, studies... In this phases the quality of the coach is really important , because not only technical skills are important , but also tactical and physical skills are required to beome a better player.

The 5th phase from 14 to 19 years is the preparation to professionalism (every time it starts later) and here the importance of a mental-coach grows in importance , because of the doubts that are created by the player. The player doubts if he will be able to make it and the coach has to be able to motivate him and make him believe that if he works hard everything is possible.

The last Phase is professionalism in where the player will have to travel between 6 and 8 months a year and break the family structure.

During these 6 stages teducation is always first and all of the school courses have to be completed in order to keep practicing tennis.

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The key of Studies

At Bardou Tennis Competition we have specific programs in order to make it possible to combine tennis with regular educational studies.

Tennis funnel

Bardou Tennis Competition has developed its own 6 axis training method to help the student to grow as a tennis player. The goal is to be able to compete at a high level and get results.

Tennis players...

Have at their disposal accommodation, mental training, nutrition, podiatry and tennis tournaments.
